Curiosity promotes biodiversity

Life Sciences - Apr 26
Life Sciences

Cichlid fishes exhibit differing degrees of curiosity. The cause for this lies in their genes, as reported by researchers from the Universities of Bern and Basel in the journal Science. This trait influences the cichlids' ability to adapt to new habitats.

Physics - Apr 26

Scientists capture X-rays from upward positive lightning


Researchers have for the first time recorded X-rays being produced at the beginning of upward positive lightning flashes; an observation that gives important insight into the origins of this rare - and particularly dangerous - form of lightning.

Health - Apr 25

Mini-colons revolutionize colorectal cancer research

In a breakthrough for cancer research, scientists at EPFL have created lab-grown mini-colons that can accurately mimic the development of colorectal tumors, offering a powerful new tool for studying and testing treatments for the disease.

Health - Apr 25

When the digestive system influences a child’s sleep


Sleep cycles and neurological development in children are closely linked to interactions between the brain and the gut. Two researchers from the University of Fribourg, in collaboration with colleagues from ETH Zurich and Lucerne Children's Hospital, have just been awarded a 2.4 million SNSF grant to better understand these mechanisms, which are fundamental to the health of toddlers

Health - Apr 25

How to clean up New Delhi’s smoggy air

An international study led by atmospheric researchers at PSI shows for the first time what portions of particulates in the air over northern India are especially harmful to health.

Selected Job Offers
Agronomy/Food Science - 27.04
Research Scientist LCA of Food and Nutrition Systems Agroscope, 8046 Zürich
Laboratory - 26.04
Technische/r Assistentin / Assistent (50 -100%) Hochschule Luzern - Technik & Architektur, Horw und Hergiswil
Architecture - 24.04
Wissenschaftliche*r Assistent*in im Institut für Innenarchitektur 50% Hochschule Luzern - Technik & Architektur
Computer Science - 22.04
Educational Game Designer 100% Hochschule Luzern – Informatik, Rotkreuz
Microtechnics - 22.04
System Engineer (F/H) 100% CSEM, Neuchâtel
Electroengineering - 22.04
CAD Layout R&D Engineer (F/H) 100% CSEM, Neuchâtel
Employers of the Week